Browsing through the Soap & Glory health section I happened to notice this little gem! Now, I must have THE worse lips in the history of mankind when it comes to being chapped and dry. I haven't really come across any that have actually improved my lips and being such a S&G addict (and proud!) I thought it would be only right for me to try it.
Soap & Glory have referred to this as 'A super-conditioning lip butter moisture & repair balm for dry, cracked lips.' and I have got to agree with it completely! and the smell!! absolutely GORGEOUS! coconutty goodness! I think, this used with the Popcorn lip scrub by Lush (which I will be reviewing soon) will do even the driest lips some good.
Do you want to know what's better? The lip butter is £4.00 at the moment instead of £6, and this includes all skincare!
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