Happy Valentines Day!
I've always been a fan of this holiday - the sense of being surrounded by love, the affection shown by loved-up couples, the butterflies in your stomach feeling when you receive a card from a mystery lover! It's all so romantic, and being a soppy romantic myself I just absorb the feeling.
I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to share a little more of my personal life - my long term boyfriend Ryan:
He is slightly older than me (19) & we have been together for 2 years and 4 months. He is my absolute world & I don't know what I would do without him - the guy knows me inside out. He inspires me to carry on with my dreams of being a journalist & is always there for me. All in all, he is a brilliant guy &, most importantly, my first love.
Tonight, I get to spend the evening eating a take out & watching girly RomCom movies (he loves them!) and just spend some nessesary 'us' time together - I cannot wait!
But, I want to give a little glimpse of hope to the singletons who may have lost hope in finding the one. Me & Ryan were friends before we got together - I've seen him in relationships & he has seen me in them. We are complete opposites but I think that's what makes us work. He stops me from being an obsessive workaholic & tells me to enjoy myself - and I'm eternally grateful. My point? I never thought I would find love like this - don't try to force yourself to find love. Let love find you. Date, have fun! Because the big guy upstairs does have a plan for you! Or destiny if you prefer ;)
Love isn't easy - never give up!
Oh! And I want to say a big THANK YOU to all the people who follow my blog & have liked my posts - you really mean a lot to me!
So what's your valentines day plans?
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