Hello my Lovelies!
I come to you this late evening with a confession.
I have become a fake-tan-aholic.
Yes, it has finally happened to me, I knew it would be a matter of time before I became a wotsit.
Ok, I'm joking - it's not that extreme! ever since I became a brunette, I've wanted to try out some fake tan. Being so pale means I usually burn or turn out to be a lobster in the burning sun. Not a hot look I might add. The fake tan I have been using recently is the Make Believe Instant Tan Bronzer for Face and Body and I can happily say that I am in LOVE with the product! I saw it for £4.00 in the Boots reduced section and thought 'why not?'
BUT I'm in need of a more permanent self tan - and unfortunately St Moriz doesn't quiet cut it for me, so any suggestions are more than welcome!
Forever Bronzed? or will I revert back to my pale ways?
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