As promised, here I am with a lovely hair mask review!
Anyone who is a blonde will know how hard it is to maintain:- the constant hair dying, the unwanted brassy tones & the drying state your hair becomes. Some hair treatment can cause blonde hair to become more brittle & dry, which is no fun!
However! help is at hand!
I was lucky enough to be sent a sample of the Marilyn hair treatment, and I am totally in love!
In it's iconic lush packaging, I couldn't wait to try the product & ran straight upstairs.
The thick, yellow mask smells absolutely gorgeous! you can definatly smell the infusion of chamomile in the treatment, and with the addition of olive oil, lemon oil and linseed you know that it it will do good for your hair. Aswell as the moisturising properties, the mask contains lemon juice to help gradually lighten the hair, as lemon and chamomile have naturally occurring peroxide. The mask is said to 'maintains the blonde you have, whilst chamomile and lemon combine to give a hint of a glint of brightness' which I will be putting to the test. What I like about Lush is the lack of chemicals in the products, knowing that they are actually doing good to your hair. And, of course, for the their lack of animal testing (having cats as pets since you were 6, they become like your best friends!)
So, the mask is a pre-wash treatment - meaning that you use it before you wash your hair. I slathered the product on, put a shower cap 0n & enjoyed a lovely, warm bath (aaa, relaxing baths - how I love thee) I left the product on for about 30 minutes and rinsed it off with cool water - and then proceeded to shampoo, condition and dry my hair. I was impressed with the results! My hair feels soft and actually shines!:
See! I wasn't kidding! AND it took out the brassy, yellow tones (I had bleached my hair about 2 days before the treatment)
I actually adore this product, and I WILL be purchasing some more! I seriously recommend you visit your local lush store or visit them online:
Have any of you tried this product before? what was your experience?
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